The veterinary department at Georgetown Pharmacy was established in 2000. Our goal is to provide you with the highest quality compounded preparations, in a timely manner, at reasonable prices. Dennis Hendershot R.PH. is a fellow member of the American College of Veterinary Pharmacists(ACVP). ACVP is an organization dedicated to maintaining the highest standards of professional veterinary pharmacy practice.

The Problem

Since there is an insufficient supply of veterinary-labeled drugs, it has become a routine veterinary practice to use human-labeled drugs in treating diseases and ailments in animals. Unfortunately, most mass-produced human medications have limited strengths and dosage forms which do not fit the needs of many veterinary patients. Likewise, many formerly available veterinary products have been discontinued due to lack of manufacturer profit. This can be a frustrating dilemma for the veterinarian who desires the best possible care for the patients he or she services.

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